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Everyone in B.C. has a human right to access services like restaurants and cafés without experiencing discrimination.

This right is protected in B.C.’s Human Rights Code and includes people with disabilities who use guide dogs and service dogs. It is discrimination to deny a person with a disability who uses a guide dog or service dog access to a service.

To help raise awareness about this issue, our Office worked with guide dog and service dog users as well as people working in the restaurant and taxi industries to create educational resources. These materials aim to help workers in those industries provide excellent, accessible customer service and meet their legal responsibilities under B.C.’s Human Rights Code. These resources also explain the human rights of people who use guide dogs and service dogs and help workers provide discrimination-free service.

The resources available include infographics, posters, stickers and meeting guides to support workplaces. Download the materials and guide below.


A yellow cab is parked in Gastown, in Vancouver, B.C.

For taxi workers

A Black waitress is taking food orders from a table.

For restaurant workers

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