You manage an apartment building with 20 studio and one-bedroom units. As property manager, you are responsible for advertising vacant units, approving applicants, completing the paperwork for new renters and addressing any issues that come up in the building. You have been receiving complaints about noise from a bachelor unit you rented to a young couple about a year ago. Since renting the unit, the couple have had their first child and the baby’s crying has led to complaints from some other renters. You decide to evict the couple. Their rental agreement states that only two people would live in the apartment and they have broken that agreement by having a baby.
No, you are not meeting your responsibilities under the Code. You are evicting a couple because they have a child. Being a parent is part of a person’s family status, which is a characteristic protected by the Code. Limiting the apartment to only two people is discriminatory. Instead, you can work with the couple and the renters who made a complaint to address the concern about noise. For example, is there a way you can help to add soundproofing to the apartment?
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