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From hate to hope

Inquiry into hate in the COVID-19 pandemic

In August 2021, B.C.’s Human Rights Commissioner launched an inquiry into the rise of hate in B.C. during the COVID-19 pandemic. In March 2023, the Commissioner released her findings and recommendations.

Illustrations by Paige Jung

An inquiry is an official study. The Commissioner can use an inquiry to help promote or protect human rights in B.C. Rules for inquiries are found in the Human Rights Code and in the Human Rights Commissioner’s Inquiry Regulation.

The Commissioner’s first inquiry looked at the reported rise of hate during the pandemic. The inquiry explores why hate increased during the pandemic, where hate comes from and what action we can take to stop hate now and in future times of crisis.

This report shares what we learned during this inquiry. You will find:

  • stories of hate and its impact on people and communities
  • graphs and charts sharing numbers that help to understand where hate is happening
  • results of academic research that helps us understand where hate comes from
  • recommendations for how we can work together to stop hate

Note: Translated closed captions are available in 13 languages from within the video settings.

Plain language summaries

These summaries highlight key learnings from each section of the report. Download our full report for more information and details.

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