VANCOUVER, B.C. – Wrapping up a series of online engagements with communities across the province, B.C.’s Human Rights Commissioner Kasari Govender will host a virtual townhall event with participants from Metro Vancouver this Thursday, September 17, from 2:30–4:30 p.m., via Zoom.
The two-hour session is an opportunity to hear from people in this region about the pressing human rights issues impacting their lives. The Commissioner will also share information about B.C.’s human rights system and our rights and responsibilities under the law.
“People in the Metro Vancouver are facing unique set of human rights challenges, many of which are exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Commissioner Govender. “On Thursday I want to hear from residents of Metro Vancouver about their experiences.”
Govender continued: “I know this region has witnessed an increase in hate and racism. I know its neighbourhoods feel the strain of economic inequality and deep poverty. And I know it is continually impacted by historical and ongoing colonialism.”
“I plan to talk about these issues and others as I share the first set of strategic priorities adopted by our newly re-established office. I hope to hear from people in Metro Vancouver and to take questions.”
The Metro Vancouver Regional Engagement is open to the public.
Media are invited to attend the Metro Vancouver Regional Engagement. Please contact to request login information.
This is the seventh and final education and engagement session the Commissioner is holding to hear from citizens across the province. To date, more than 400 people and 180 organizations have joined us.
Media contact: Lindsey Bertrand, Communications Advisor, at 1-604-306-7369 or
Media kit: Download our media kit for images of Commissioner Kasari Govender.
About BCOHRC: BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner exists to address the root causes of inequality, discrimination and injustice in B.C. by shifting laws, policies, practices and cultures. We do this work through education, research, advocacy, inquiry and monitoring.
BC’s Human Rights Commissioner, Kasari Govender, started her five-year term on Sept. 3, 2019. Since then, our Office has been working swiftly to build a strong team, to listen deeply to the concerns of British Columbians, to issue policy guidance to protect vulnerable communities and to lay a human rights-based foundation for our work. As an Independent Office of the Legislature we are uniquely positioned to ensure human rights in B.C. are protected, respected and advanced on a systemic level throughout our society.
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