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BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (BCOHRC) is conducting an inquiry into the police use of media exclusion zones, with a particular focus on the restrictions created during the decampment in the Downtown Eastside on April 5, 2023 (Inquiry). BCOHRC believes that hearing directly from members of the media restricted from entering the decampment area on April 5, 2023 is critical to understanding what happened as well as communities’ experiences with exclusion zones.  

Individual members of the media can participate in the Inquiry by participating in interviews with the Commissioner. The Commissioner will rely on the answers given during the interviews to inform the final Inquiry report and recommendations and will identify the source of comments she relies on in her final report. 

In order to have an accurate record, BCOHRC will record the interview and produce a transcript. BCOHRC is asking if you consent to BCOHRC:

  • recording the interview
  • attributing comments/quotes to you in the Inquiry final report and promotional materials. 

Consent is completely voluntary. It is your choice.

You may revoke your consent at any time by writing to BCOHRC at and withdrawing your consent. However, BCOHRC cannot be responsible for any information already publicly disclosed prior to consent being revoked.

BCOHRC will retain the information it receives during the Inquiry in accordance with BCOHRC’s retention policies.

Consent form: Media interviews

1. I consent to BCOHRC doing the following in relation to my interview answers (please check all that apply):
Please check all that apply.

2. I consent to BCOHRC recording the interview

3. This consent form will be stored by BCOHRC’s Inquiry team. You can revoke your consent at any time by writing to However, BCOHRC cannot be responsible for any use, by non-BCOHRC parties, of your information already publicly disclosed prior to consent being revoked.

4. I will not claim any compensation for use of my quotes or comments. BCOHRC will never authorize my image, quotes or comments to be used for commercial purposes.

5. By signing below I confirm that I have read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions listed above.


Please provide your contact information:


For questions about BCOHRC’s protection of information and privacy, please contact:
Sarah Khan, General Counsel and Privacy Officer
BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner
536-999 Canada Place, Vancouver BC, V6C 3E1

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