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General legal information

The information on this website is provided as general information and is not legal advice. If you need advice about a specific legal problem, please contact a lawyer or legal clinic.

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Information on this website or any website that can be accessed through this website is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. BCOHRC assumes no liability for any damages arising out of or connected with this website or any material contained in or accessed from this website or any linked website. The linked websites do not necessarily reflect the views of BCOHRC or our commitment to a particular course of action.

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BCOHRC encourages the sharing of information presented on this website as long as we are credited. All material presented on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License with the exception of photographs and images, BCOHRC’s logo, any branding or trademarks, content or material provided by third parties and where otherwise indicated. To review the license, visit:

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Information on this website may be changed or updated at any time without notice.

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